Why is alternate sex wrong? We cannot know that a situation is abnormal unless we know what normal is in the first place. Without a standard of reference called "normal", one cannot know what is abnormal. Because of this we must first know what is so normal about "normal" sex, then we will understand, with relative ease, what is so wrong with the abnormal. At the beginning of our discussion we will assume that "normal" is one male, one female, in private, who are married bearing the same last name. This, for now, will be considered an arbitrary decision just to give us a starting place. The basis of this study will be on private speculation on certain allusions given in Scripture that point to principles but do not state those principles themselves. Or in other words, as a theologian I am going way out on a limb where I cannot prove or verify what I say is correct, and so I could make a boo-boo or two in this discussion, so put away your chisel & granite block. In several references in the New Testament Jesus compares heaven to a wedding, or to a marriage. In each of these illustrations He implies that earthly marriage is a parallel spiritual representation of a greater principle in heaven. He says that a marriage between man & wife represents the union between God himself and the Church. In this representation He appoints the man to play the roll of Jesus, even asking the man to daily sacrifice everything for his wife, who is playing the roll of the Church. So, in our little roll play man = God, wife = Church, and marriage = their relationship in heaven. Marriage represents Jesus taking us from where ever we are and making us his own blood relation. Marriage represents the whole aspect of Gods plan of salvation. What does sex represent? Sex is intimate. First, it is private. You do not have to "take a number", compete with others, or pay by the half-hour for your partners attention. There is no one making objections to your actions or comments or trying to cut in. There is no one making distractions to take away from the moment. The room is even decorated to match the personality of the owner. There are no reminders of others in the room. Second it is close. Every private aspect of yourself is open to the other. All the shoulder pads are gone, there are no false fronts, no facades, just you. This is where one can share their heart. This is where you can share your fears, desires, doubts. & joys. This is where you can share your deepest treasures, those treasures that you never shared with anyone else. Imagine a room with two chairs and a warm fireplace. You in one chair & God in the other. Imagine to door to this room being locked. There is no phone. Here you can share all of your fears, desires, doubts and joys. Here you can ask questions and get uninterrupted answers, here you can share with God himself your deepest treasures. You have his complete attention. Here He can share with you His joys, & His desires. Here He will give you pure, holy, mint condition treasure that no one has ever seen or touched. Here He will give you his last name so that you may speak with the authority of his name, and be know by his name. Here He will fulfil all of your joy. His desire is to please you. You cannot be more complete than here. This is what normal marriage/sex represents. Now lets look at alternate sex while using the same representations. (Let me digress for a second. To God & Satan representations are somewhat legally binding in court. The whole Old Testament was filled with symbolic acts that God regarded as a legal precedent. People were frequently rewarded or scorched by what their acts represented rather than the act itself. A simple act sometimes had very big consequences ,good or bad. This makes the OT look heavy handed & unfair.) Back to the original though. If a male took a male for a spouse that would indicate the following: 1. Jesus (male) rejects the church (female). Which means the church has no savior & so goes to hell. 2. Jesus obtains another "god" (male) like Buddha, Baal or Satan for a spouse. If a female took a female for a spouse that would indicate the following: 1. The Church (female) rejects Jesus (male) as God/husband. Which means she rejects his plan of salvation, and dooms herself to hell. 2. The Church obtains another church (female) like the Mormons, or Taoists as their god/spouse. The idea of the church going to hell is repugnant to God. The idea that He would reject the church for another is repugnant to God. And the idea that the church might reject Him, not even for another god, but for another church is also repugnant to God. As a result homosexuality is repugnant to God because it destroys, by precedent, every good thing he wants to do in your life starting with your own salvation. But what if a guy takes his date home? What is so bad about that? Why did that have the death penalty in the Old Testament? God gives his name to his wife, his bride during the marriage ceremony. This bride is the Church. He has reserved for her special treasures no one has ever seen. He has reserved special pure, holy, new talents & gifts beyond comprehension. But all this is represented by His chastity. If a young man, representing god in the roll play of life, gives himself to some sweet little honey, then he is setting a precedent as follows. When the bride gets to heaven her gifts will not be new, rather they will be used. Used by someone who considered them to be disposable and easily replaced. The private room that had been reserved for her, her mansion, and modeled after her tastes would have tasseled red satin pillows, Kelly green plaid curtains & burnt orange stripped carpets, the fire place was replaced with a wall heater and the cheap incense burning in a crock on the pressboard coffee table almost covers the previous tenants perfume. The brides private room with God, her very own mansion, wreaks with the presence of a previous third party. What if a girl poses for a magazine? What could possibly be wrong with that? The most private aspects of her person spread out around a staple, and the intimate article written about her represents the room again. Only this time by opening herself to four million men, she is setting a precedent that access to her private room in heaven can be purchased by everyone who has $3.50. Imagine saying to Satan, "If you have pocket change, I invite you, I encourage you to spend time with me when I am most intimate with God, share my treasures with me." Satan is a lawyer. A district attorney who stands in front of the Throne day and night. Because of Grace the law is on our side, but we give God fits when we set a precedent that Satan can use against us in court. By what we do, and how we treat others, we invite him into where he does not belong. The truely sad thing is we hurt ourselves & our community when we do these things. It is our relationship and our future we are corrupting when we do these things. God gave us the power to act in symbolic fashion, making our actions bigger than life. We can help save of condemn whole communities. (Korah in OT for example, or the battle at Ai). Because of this we can accomplish spiritual things far greater than physics allows. But it also is an adult playground. This is serious stuff. He fire balled Sodom because he could no longer defend it against his own righteousness because of the symbolic message they were sending. Of course this monolog is little more than speculation based on the direction pointed to by the Old and New Testaments, and needs to be as such.